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Unable to display buttons using slack-go Actions

I am trying to display two buttons: "No thanks!" and "Yes, please!" following this tutorial. However, I only get the Text field in an ephemeral message instead of the title and two buttons:

func handleIsArticleGood() (interface{}, error) {
        attachment := slack.Attachment{
        Text:       "Would you like to see the most recent scores?",
        CallbackID: "ask_us",
        Color:      "#666666",
        Actions: []slack.AttachmentAction{
                Name:  "action",
                Text:  "No thanks!",
                Type:  slack.ActionType("button"),
                Value: "no",
                Name:  "action",
                Text:  "Yes, please!",
                Type:  slack.ActionType("button"),
                Value: "yes",
    return attachment, nil


I can see the actions in the response, but not the buttons:

socketmode: 2024/02/29 12:00:27 socket_mode_managed_conn.go:348: Sending Socket Mode response with envelope ID "$envID": &{d02eddad-fe96-4a46-8aa0-ccd6a7e4bd09 {#666666  ask_us 0         Would you like to see the most recent scores?       [] [{action No thanks!  button no  0 [] [] [] <nil> } {action Yes, please!  button yes  0 [] [] [] <nil> }] [] {[]}   }}

enter image description here

enter image description here

My linter also picks up the following warning (in the screenshot above as well):

"redundant type from array, slice or map composite literal"

FWIW, I tried setting the Type value to "button" as a string and setting it as a slack.ActionType as that seemed to be the expected value based on the documentation.


  • So, it seems that this is, for some reason, not possible using the above implementation. Instead, I used an example from the slack-go repository. This function seems to handle displaying the correct buttons (though I don't appear to be getting a value back)--

    func handleIsArticleGood(command slack.SlashCommand, client *slack.Client) error {
        attachment := slack.Attachment{
            Pretext:    "pretext",
            Fallback:   "We don't currently support your client",
            CallbackID: "accept_or_reject",
            Color:      "#3AA3E3",
            Actions: []slack.AttachmentAction{
                    Name:  "accept",
                    Text:  "Accept",
                    Type:  "button",
                    Value: "accept",
                    Name:  "reject",
                    Text:  "Reject",
                    Type:  "button",
                    Value: "reject",
                    Style: "danger",
        _, _, err := client.PostMessage(command.ChannelID, slack.MsgOptionAttachments(attachment))
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to post message: %w", err)
        return nil

    enter image description here