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Is it possible to merge using data-driven node or relationship labels?

I'm working with prepared statements via the Neo4J JDBC driver, and have a need to create node and relationship labels whose names are driven by the data we will be receiving.

For example, I'd like to create a prepared statement along these lines:

MERGE (test:{1} {id: {2}) ON CREATE SET = {2}


MERGE (test:Test)-[:{1}]->(test2:Test)

These don't currently work, as it seems Neo4J doesn't interpret the placeholder {1} as a placeholder, instead seeing it as an invalid label name.

Another possibility I'm exploring is that we may be able to extend Cypher via a stored procedure, though I suspect we may run into the same limitation.

Hoping someone can provide some insight as to whether there is any way to accomplish this with Cypher.



An answer below suggests using APOC's apoc.create.node procedure, but what I need is to merge on a dynamic label. Updated the title to reflect this.


  • I ended up using a different procedure from APOC - apoc.cypher.doIt, as it turns out APOC doesn't have a way to merge with dynamic labels as of yet. See feature request:

    Below is what I ended up doing. Note that the requirement was to iterate (in this case using UNWIND) over a collection and merge nodes with dynamic labels pulled from this collection, and then merge a relationship between a pre-existing node and this new node:

    WITH myNode, myList
    UNWIND categories AS catArray
    WITH myNode, 'MERGE (cat:' + catArray[0] + ' {value: "' + catArray[1] + '" }) ON CREATE SET cat.value = \"' + catArray[1] + '\" RETURN cat' AS cypher
    CALL apoc.cypher.doIt(cypher, {}) YIELD value
    WITH myNode, as cat
    MERGE (myNode)-[:IN_CATEGORY]->(cat)