I have a lot of relationships in my Neo4j Database for which I have to rename labels. As the number is quite high (close to 13 million), I am processing parallelly for faster execution. I believe my Cypher Query is correct, but a weird error is getting thrown by the system:
"Invalid input 'CALL': expected\r\n "!="\r\n "%"\r\n "*"\r\n "+"\r\n "-"\r\n "/"\r\n "::"\r\n "<"\r\n "<="\r\n "<>"\r\n "="\r\n "=~"\r\n ">"\r\n ">="\r\n "AND"\r\n "AS"\r\n "CONTAINS"\r\n "ENDS"\r\n "IN"\r\n "IS"\r\n "OR"\r\n "STARTS"\r\n "XOR"\r\n "^"\r\n "||" (line 3, column 6 (offset: 83))\r\n" CALL apoc.refactor.rename.type("OLD_LABEL", "NEW_LABEL",r)"\r\n ^": 1328
I ran this cypher query.
Cypher Query:
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
'MATCH ()-[r:OLD_LABEL]->() RETURN r',
'WITH r LIMIT 10000
CALL apoc.refactor.rename.type("OLD_LABEL", "NEW_LABEL",r)',
{ batchSize: 10000, parallel: true }
Is there something I am missing out or doing it wrong? Also what can be other possible ways to do this job?
Some misunderstandings in general
doesn't produce a collection, so trying to UNWIND
will not work here.
Secondly, UNWIND
needs to alias the resulting element, like :
UNWIND batch AS item
However, the most efficient way for your use case is to process per batch and use batchMode = BATCH_SINGLE
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
'MATCH ()-[r:OLD_LABEL]->() RETURN r',
'CALL apoc.refactor.rename.type("OLD_LABEL", "NEW_LABEL", [x IN $_batch | x.r] )',
{ batchSize: 10000, parallel: true, batchMode: 'BATCH_SINGLE' }