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Run Neo4j queries from Cypher files in Javascript

I am using the official Neo4j Javascript driver to connect with my database. I want to run queries directly from .cypher files because writing them as strings is much more error-prone.

I don't want to read the file using fs, as it would consume unnecessary resources. I want to import the file as I do with a JSON file (at compile time)

How can I do that?


  • A coworker created something that seems exactly what you want in typescript with nest

    import { Inject } from '@nestjs/common';
    /** All injectables cyphers */
    export const cypherInjections: string[] = [];
    export const InjectCypher = (
      path: string,
    ): ((target: object, key: string | symbol, index?: number) => void) => {
      const cypher = `${path}.cypher`;
      if (!cypherInjections.includes(cypher)) {
      return Inject(cypher);

    it is use like that:

    import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
    export class CypherService {
        private readonly myCypher: string,
      ) {}
      // here you can use this.myCypher
      // it's a string that represent your cypher

    Hope that it can help someone :)