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rcdk R package fails to compute fingerprints from SMILES codes

I am using smile codes for the FDA approved drugs available in chEMBL 22 database. I am using the package rcdk and I am using this code:


smi <-lapply(as.character(dat1$CANONICAL_SMILES),parse.smiles)

## generate fingerprints
for (i in 1:nrow(dat1)){


##Convert fingerprints to matrix form

But when I do

smi <- lapply(as.character(chembl_22_drug_export$CANONICAL_SMILES), parse.smiles)

I get the following error

Error in .jnew("org/openscience/cdk/smiles/SmilesParser", dcob) : 
  Java Exception <no description because toString() failed>.jnew("org/openscience/cdk/smiles/SmilesParser", dcob)<S4 object of class "jobjRef">

Kindly guide me how do I resolve this error?


  • The error is spewed when rcdk package is not installed. Error occurs because of fault loading due to rJava package requirement. rcdk package required jdk of 7 or more. echo JAVA_HOME and update the locale along with language as well. The environment variable should be updated. Close R and restart the R console after you update the java environment. Remember: rcdk package requires supporting library as fingerprints and rJava as well.