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Run a single test function in R's testthat

R's testthat package has a number of functions for running tests: However, the most coarse level you can filter tests seems to be at a file level, since there is a test_file() function that doesn't have any filtering arguments, and test_dir() has a filter argument but it is only used to filter by filename.

However I frequently want to only run a single test, because it's new, or because I know it's relevant to a change I just made.

Is there a way, in the R console or in RStudio to run a single testthat test? If not, is there some other recommended solution to this problem such as putting each test in it's own file (this seems pretty painful though)?


  • As of testthat version 3.2.0 CRAN release: 2023-10-06:

    test_file() gains a desc argument which allows you to run a single test from a file.

    For example, if you have a test file (test-mytest.R) containing tests for two functions (consider these simple functions converting temperature):

    test_that(desc = "Fahrenheit to Celsius", code = {
      temp_C <- F_to_C(50)
      expect_equal(object = temp_C, expected = 10)
      expect_type(object = temp_C, type = "double")
    test_that(desc = "Celsius to Fahrenheit", code = {
      temp_F <- C_to_F(100)
      expect_equal(object = temp_F, expected = 212)
      expect_type(object = temp_F, type = "double")

    If you want to run all tests in the file:

    R> test_file("tests/testthat/test-mytest.R")
    [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 4 ]

    If you want a single test, use the optional desc argument to indicate the test name:

    R> test_file("tests/testthat/test-mytest.R", desc = "Fahrenheit to Celsius")
    [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 2 ]