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How to add 3 number together?

There are 3 Uint 8 bits numbers. I want to sum up these numbers. How to describe it in chisel?

s = a + b + c // s is 10 bits number

If the only way to describe it as following, what's the benefits compare to traditional HDL?

s0 = a + b // s0 is 9 bits numebr s1 = s0 + c // s1 is 10 bits number

I already try it in chisel, the result is not what I expect.

val in0 = Input(UInt(8.W))
val in1 = Input(UInt(8.W))
val p_out = Output(UInt(10.W))

io.p_out := io.in0 + io.in0 - io.in1

The generated RTL:

input  [7:0] io_in0,
input  [7:0] io_in1,
output [9:0] io_p_out

wire [8:0] _T_18;
wire [7:0] _T_19;
wire [8:0] _T_20;
wire [8:0] _T_21;
wire [7:0] _T_22;

assign io_p_out = {{2'd0}, _T_22};
assign _T_18 = io_in0 + io_in0;
assign _T_19 = _T_18[7:0]; // ??
assign _T_20 = _T_19 - io_in1;
assign _T_21 = $unsigned(_T_20); // ??
assign _T_22 = _T_21[7:0];  // ??


  • In order to keep the carry you should use the expanding operators +& and -&.

    io.p_out := io.in0 +& io.in0 -& io.in1