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Strange error with Symfony-2.8

I am using Symfony 2.8.18. I was always able to debug the previous error messages I had. I searched on Google for same errors but I did not find anything. Everything worked perfectly before. I restarted my local server and get the following error message:

Warning: class_implements(): Class �]� does not exist and could not be loaded

Here is a link to the screenshot of the message: strange bug screenshot.

I deleted the cache by removing the corresponding folders and by using the following command:

php app\console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata && php app\console doctrine:cache:clear-query && php app\console doctrine:cache:clear-result

But it did not solve my problem. I do not know how to understand this error message.

Do you have any ideas on how to debug the code?


  • I did not change anything but it seems one or several files were corrupted. The solution was to:

    1. Remove the vendor folder;
    2. Run composer install.

    My problem was solved by doing this.