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Does Rust have a debug macro?

In C++, I use something like this DEBUG macro:

#ifdef DEBUG
#define DEBUG_STDERR(x) (std::cerr << (x))
#define DEBUG_STDOUT(x) (std::cout << (x))
#define DEBUG_STDERR(x)
#define DEBUG_STDOUT(x)

Does Rust have something similar?


  • Although it makes sense to use something like the log crate as mentioned in DK's answer, here's how to do the direct equivalent of what you asked:

    // The debug version
    #[cfg(feature = "my_debug")]
    macro_rules! debug_print {
        ($( $args:expr ),*) => { println!( $( $args ),* ); }
    // Non-debug version
    #[cfg(not(feature = "my_debug"))]
    macro_rules! debug_print {
        ($( $args:expr ),*) => {}
    fn main() {
        debug_print!("Debug only {}", 123);

    And in your Cargo.toml, add a [features] section:

    my_debug = []

    The output then appears with cargo run --features my_debug, and doesn't with a plain cargo run.