Search code examples

Assembly: troubles with my linear search code

For an assignment I have to finish the code for a program that uses a loop to compare each array element to a target value that's provided through user input. So for example, when the program asks me to type a number and I type the number 6, it should give me the sixth number in this list. '7','3','2','1','0','5','6','4','8','9'

I typed what the comments told me to type but I keep getting this error when I try to compile it.

main.o: In function `getNextElement':
main.asm:(.text+0x92): relocation truncated to fit: R_386_8 against '.data' 

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    MACRO DEFINITIONS   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; A macro with two parameters
; Implements the write system call
    %macro writestring 2
        mov eax, 4  ;sys_write system call number
        mov ebx, 1  ;file descriptor std_out
        mov ecx, %1 ;message to write from parameter 1
        mov edx, %2 ;message length from parameter 2
        int 0x80
; A macro with two parameters
; Implements the sys_read call
    %macro read_string 2
        mov eax, 3  ;sys_write system call number
        mov ebx, 2  ;file descriptor std_in
        mov ecx, %1 ;variable/array to hold data, pass by reference in param 1
        mov edx, %2 ;number of bytes to read passed by value in param 2
        int 0x80

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    DATA SEGMENT    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
section .data
msg1 db 'Here are the elements: '
lenmsg1 equ $-msg1
msg2 db 'Enter a number to search for: '
lenmsg2 equ $-msg2
msg3 db 'The target value was found at index '
lenmsg3 equ $-msg3
msg4 db 'The target value was NOT found...',0x0a, 0x0d
lenmsg4 equ $-msg4
asciinums db '7','3','2','1','0','5','6','4','8','9'
lenasciinums equ $-asciinums
crlf db 0x0d, 0x0a
lencrlf equ $ - crlf                
target db 0x00
targetlocation db 0x30

section .text
    global _start
    writestring msg1, lenmsg1
    writestring asciinums, lenasciinums
    writestring crlf, lencrlf
    writestring msg2, lenmsg2
    read_string target, 1
    writestring crlf, lencrlf
    mov eax, asciinums  ;eax holds base address
    mov ecx, 0          ;ecx is index register
    mov [eax+ecx], al   ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register
    cmp al, target      ;compare the 8-bit register to target value
    je  targetlocation  ;jump if equal to the found label
    inc ecx             ;increment index register
    cmp ecx, 10         ;compare index register to decimal 10
    jne getNextElement  ;if index register not equal to 10 go to getNextElement

    writestring msg4, lenmsg4
    jmp terminate
    add [targetlocation], ecx
    writestring msg3, lenmsg3
    writestring targetlocation, 1
    writestring crlf, lencrlf
    mov eax, 1          ;terminate program
    int 0x80

I also know that the problem is from this section of the code.

    mov eax, asciinums  ;eax holds base address
    mov ecx, 0          ;ecx is index register
    mov [eax+ecx], al   ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register
    cmp al, target      ;compare the 8-bit register to target value
    je  targetlocation  ;jump if equal to the found label
    inc ecx             ;increment index register
    cmp ecx, 10         ;compare index register to decimal 10
    jne getNextElement  ;if index register not equal to 10 go to getNextElement

This is the website I used to compile. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Assuming that you're writing code for x86 architecture the problem is je instruction in getNextElement. je instruction is a short jump, it expects relative address as a parameter only and it can't be used to make indirect jumps. Here you can look at the difference between je and jmp instructions:


    mov [eax+ecx], al ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register

    Here you're moving al into memory and comment says the opposite. Fix it, use je found and try again.


    And another one: mov [eax+ecx], al ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register here you're ruining eax register by loading data into al. On the next loop you'll fetch garbage from memory.

    Checked, after fixing all mentioned mistakes it works perfectly.

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    MACRO DEFINITIONS   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    ; A macro with two parameters
    ; Implements the write system call
        %macro writestring 2
            mov eax, 4  ;sys_write system call number
            mov ebx, 1  ;file descriptor std_out
            mov ecx, %1 ;message to write from parameter 1
            mov edx, %2 ;message length from parameter 2
            int 0x80
    ; A macro with two parameters
    ; Implements the sys_read call
        %macro read_string 2
            mov eax, 3  ;sys_write system call number
            mov ebx, 2  ;file descriptor std_in
            mov ecx, %1 ;variable/array to hold data, pass by reference in param 1
            mov edx, %2 ;number of bytes to read passed by value in param 2
            int 0x80
    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    DATA SEGMENT    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    section .data
    msg1 db 'Here are the elements: '
    lenmsg1 equ $-msg1
    msg2 db 'Enter a number to search for: '
    lenmsg2 equ $-msg2
    msg3 db 'The target value was found at index '
    lenmsg3 equ $-msg3
    msg4 db 'The target value was NOT found...',0x0a, 0x0d
    lenmsg4 equ $-msg4
    asciinums db '7','3','2','1','0','5','6','4','8','9'
    lenasciinums equ $-asciinums
    crlf db 0x0d, 0x0a
    lencrlf equ $ - crlf                
    target db 0x00
    targetlocation db 0x30
    section .text
        global _start
        writestring msg1, lenmsg1
        writestring asciinums, lenasciinums
        writestring crlf, lencrlf
        writestring msg2, lenmsg2
        read_string target, 1
        writestring crlf, lencrlf
        mov eax, asciinums  ;eax holds base address
        mov ecx, 0          ;ecx is index register
        mov bl, [eax+ecx]   ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register
        cmp bl, [target]    ;compare the 8-bit register to target value
        je  found           ;jump if equal to the found label
        inc ecx             ;increment index register
        cmp ecx, 10         ;compare index register to decimal 10
        jne getNextElement  ;if index register not equal to 10 go to getNextElement
        writestring msg4, lenmsg4
        jmp terminate
        add [targetlocation], ecx
        writestring msg3, lenmsg3
        writestring targetlocation, 1
        writestring crlf, lencrlf
        mov eax, 1          ;terminate program
        int 0x80