I want to use ah=09h
to write a message on screen. But when I clean the screen, the text attribute changes the text to be black-on-black. To which value should I change the cleanscreen proc, so the text will be visible?
proc cleanscreen ; cleans the screen
push cx bx
mov cx,2000d
mov bx,0
mov [WORD ptr es:bx],00 ; the value that should be changed
add bx, 2
loop clean
pop cx bx
endp cleanscreen
message db 'GAME OVER$'
call cleanscreen
mov dx, offset message
mov ah,9h
int 21h
push cx bx ... pop cx bx ret
The stack is a LIFO structure (LastInFirstOut); What goes on the stack last, must come off first. In your code the BX
register got pushed last, therefore it has to come off first using code like pop bx cx
If the stack is something that you're not comfortable with yet, I would suggest using the other way of writing this:
push cx
push bx
pop bx
pop cx
The textscreen that you use, stores 3 pieces of information for every character that it displays.
For each word in the video memory will the low byte contain the ASCII code of the character, and will the high byte register the character's foreground color in the low nibble and the character's background color in the high nibble.
FEDCBA9876543210 bitnumber
^ ^ ^
| | \ character code (ASCII)
| \ foreground color
\ background color
An instruction like mov [WORD ptr es:bx],00
that uses the WORD
tag, will clear all 3 pieces of information, producing a BlackOnBlack space character. Please note that writing 00
does in no way mean byte and nor does writing 0000
mean word. The size of the operation is defined by the mention of byte ptr
or word ptr
In a comment of yours beneath my answer to a similar question you yourself suggested a way to clean the screen without touching the color attributes:
xor bx, bx
mov [BYTE ptr es:bx],00 ; Only the ASCII field
add bx, 2
loop clean
In order to change the colors of the screen to WhiteOnBlack (07h) and keeping the existing text, we can use:
mov bx, 1
mov [BYTE ptr es:bx], 07h ; Only the attribute field
add bx, 2
loop clean
And to restore the screen completely to WhiteOnBlack spaces (0720h), use:
xor bx, bx
mov [WORD ptr es:bx], 0720h ; ASCII & attribute fields
add bx, 2
loop clean
For BrightWhiteOnBlack use 0F20h.