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How do I use multiple Kynetx apps in a single phone call with Twilio?

I want to be able to use multiple Kynetx apps (rulesets) in a single phone call. Say the first app is a phone menu, and the second app provides the functionality for the menu option. How do I redirect from one to the other?


  • When you use a twilio:redirect() or twill:gather_start() action, the url you provide is a relative URL.

    All twilio webhooks provided by Kynetx have the full URL of

    If you pass in a URL relative to this, it will resolve relative to this. Example:

    With a base URL of the action twilio:redirect("sayhello") will resolve to

    This will send in a new event to the same application.

    If you want to switch apps, you can either provide the full URL, including the new appid, or use a relative URL like the following:

    With a base URL: the action twilio:redirect("../newappid/sayhello") resolves to:

    Here is an example app which uses a different app for a menu choice.

    ruleset firstappid {
      meta {
        name "Phone Menu App"
        description <<
          Provides the Phone Menu
        author "Sam Curren"
        logging off
      dispatch {}
      global {}
      rule menu {
        select when twilio givemenu
          twill:gather_start("../secondappid/menuchoice") with numDigits = 1;
            twilio:say("Press 1 to speak do whatever.");

    And the app which receives the menu choice.

    ruleset secondappid {
      meta {
        name "Phone Menu Option"
        description <<
          Provides the menu functionality
        author "Sam Curren"
        logging off
      dispatch {}
      global {}
      rule speak {
        select when twilio menuchoice Digits "1"
          twilio:say("This is what you get when you press 1.");

    By using the action twilio:redirect('../firstappid/givemenu') instead of twilio:hangup(), this rule could redirect back to the first app.