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Typescript: this expression is not constructable when trying to import a class

I'm specifically trying to follow Twilios Mock API guide here:

I've followed their guide, except for changing the JS file into TS, because as a JS file I have the same error anyway.

The code:

import * as twilio from 'twilio';
import { verifyServiceId, accountSid, authToken } from '../constants';
import * as PrismClient from './PrismClient';

const client = new twilio.Twilio(accountSid, authToken);

const client = new twilio.Twilio(accountSid, authToken, {
  httpClient: new PrismClient('', new twilio.RequestClient()),

The error is this:

This expression is not constructable. Type 'typeof import("/sms/lib/services/PrismClient")' has no construct signatures.

In the twilio guide they are using JS files, assuming I am importing into a JS file where my Node client is.

How can I use this mock client within my TS files? Help would be hugely appreciated, banging my head against this!

The prism class is the same as in the guide:

export class PrismClient {
constructor(prismUrl, requestClient) {
  this.prismUrl = prismUrl;
  this.requestClient = requestClient;

request(opts) {
  opts.uri = opts.uri.replace(/^https\:\/\/.*?\.twilio\.com/, this.prismUrl);
  return this.requestClient.request(opts);


  • That's because you're doing a namespaced import but using the namespace itself instead of the item you want:

    import { PrismClient } from './PrismClient';