I followed the Unity tutorial of an online multiplayer game (here), and the architecture is the following :
But I would like to have this architecture :
I would like to really separate the client part and the server part in an online game. I'm new with Unity and especially with online multiplayer game and I really don't know how to do that. I don't want the solution, but maybe idea of how to do that.
Thanks a lot for helping me.
I am surprised you didn't learn the Tut and post this question. obviously you can make separate server.
As unity UNet basic concept stated:
In the unity networking system, games have a Server and multiple Clients. When there is no dedicated server, one of the clients plays the role of the server - we call this client the “host”
Three Modes of UNet Multiplayer Game:
A Networking multiplayer game can run in three modes - as a client, as a dedicated server, or as a “Host” which is both a client and a server at the same time. Networking is designed to make the same game code and assets work in all of these cases. Developing for the single player version of the game and the multiplayer version of the game should be the same thing.
NetworkManager has funcions for entering each of these modes: