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babelify transform not running

I'm having trouble getting babelify to run on my code.

I've got two typescript files:


import Greeter from './script2';

const greeter = new Greeter('Hello, world!');

document.body.innerHTML = greeter.greet();


class Greeter {
    greeting: string;

    constructor(msg: string) {
        this.greeting = msg;

    greet() {
        return `<h1>${this.greeting}</h1>`;

export default Greeter;


  "presets": [

and i'm trying to run browserify with tsify and babelify:

browserify ./script1.ts -o ./app.js -p tsify -t babelify

the files get compiled and packaged, but it never runs babelify over the code, I end up with output that still has classes and template strings in it.

if I run babel separately, it works as expected:

browserify ./script1.ts -o ./app.js -p tsify
babel ./app.js --out-file ./app-babel.js

what step am I missing here?


  • The problem is that babel by default will only operate on .JS and .JSX files. unfortunately there is currently no way to configure this from a .babelrc config file (

    So this must be configured from the command line:

    browserify ./script1.ts -o ./app.js -p tsify -t [ babelify --extensions ".ts",".tsx",".js",".jsx" ]

    or from code:

    browserify({ entries: files })
      .transform(babelify, {
        extensions: [
          '.ts', '.tsx', '.js', '.jsx'

    Note that babel will still auto load any .babelrc content when specifying this extensions list.