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Having issues with a '/z' flag not being read properly

I have a program that installs scripts from a network location, it has a total of (as of now) 11 different flags that are available to be run (including that one in question). One of those flags is a /z that installs an application named ZoomText. What is suppose to happen, is this flag is suppose to set the path to the script that does the installation, and then call the batch script from there, what actually happens, is the flag outputs the help menu instead.

@echo off

:: Output the banner and the version number
set "vnum=0.1.2"
if defined vnum (
   if "%vnum:~4%" neq "" if "%vnum:~5%" equ "" set "vtype=dev"
   if "%vnum:~2%" neq "" if "%vnum:~3%" equ "" set "vtype=stable"
type "text_files\banner.txt"
@echo v%vnum%(%vtype%)

:: Check if an argument variable is given or not
if [%1]==[] (
    goto :help_menu
) else (
    goto :verify_argv

:: verify what to install if an argument variable is given
    if '%1'=='/?' goto :help_menu 
    if '%1'=='/a' set "adobe_path=%cd%\scripts\Adobe" & goto :adobe_install 
    if '%1'=='/b' set "bomgar_path=%cd%\scripts\Bomgar" & goto :bomgar_install
    if '%1'=='/c' set "cisco_path=%cd%\scripts\Cisco_Anyconnect" & goto :cisco_install 
    if '%1'=='/d' set "driver_path=%cd%\scripts\Print_Drivers" & goto :driver_install 
    if '%1'=='/g' set "chrome_path=%cd%\scripts\Google_Chrome" & goto :chrome_install 
    if '%1'=='/n' set "nscreen_path=%cd%\scripts\NetScreen" & goto :netscreen_install 
    if '%1'=='/r' set "r_path=%cd%\scripts\R" & goto :r_install 
    if '%1'=='/t' set "tab_path=%cd%\scripts\Tableau" & goto :tableau_install 
    if '%1'=='/z' set "zt_path=%cd\scripts\ZoomText" & goto :zt_installation
    if '%1'=='/bf' set "bf_path=%cd%\scripts\BigFix_Client" & goto :bigfix_install 

:: Program help menu 
    @echo. & echo.
    @echo     Install end user software from \\mgtutils01\windows7apps
    @echo                  Usage: .\utilis [PARAMS]                   
    @echo    Parameters                         Description               
    @echo   -----------                       -------------              
    @echo       /a               Install Adobe software (Reader, Acrobat, Flash)
    @echo       /b               Install Bomgar as a customer
    @echo       /c               Install Cisco Anyconnect
    @echo       /d               Install a print driver (HP, Ricoh, Brother, etc..)
    @echo       /r               Install R and R Studio
    @echo       /g               Install Google Chrome
    @echo       /t               Install Tableau software (Reader, Desktop)
    @echo       /n               Install NetScreen for MSHA users
    @echo       /z               Install ZoomText
    @echo       /bf              Install the BigFix Client
    @echo      "/?"              Run this help and exit     
    :: Had to use "/?" or else it will tell you what echo does
    set /p _="Press enter to continue.."

:: Install Tableau Reader or Desktop
    echo 1. Tableau Reader & echo 2. Tableau Publid Desktop & echo 3. Exit
    set /p choice="Which would you like to install[1-3]: "
    if %choice%==1 ( 
        call "%tab_path%\tab_install.bat" /tr
    ) else if %choice%==2 (
        call "%tab_path%\tab_install.bat" /td
    ) else if %choice%==3 (
    ) else (
        @echo Invalid choice..
        goto :tableau_install

:: Install adobe on the users computer
    echo 1. Adobe Reader & echo 2. Adobe Flash Player & echo 3. Adobe Acrobat & echo 4. Exit
    set /p choice="What would you like to install[1-4]: "
    if %choice%==1 (
        echo Running reader installer.. & call "%adobe_path%\adobe.bat" /r
    ) else if %choice%==2 (
        echo Running flash installer.. & call "%adobe_path%\adobe.bat" /f
    ) else if %choice%==3 (
        echo Running acrobat installer.. & call "%adobe_path%\adobe.bat" /a
    ) else if %choice%==4 (
    ) else (
        @echo Invalid choice..
        goto :adobe_install

:: Install a print driver on the users system
    echo 1. HP & echo 2. Xerox & echo 3. Canon & echo 4. Dell & echo 5. Brother & echo 6. Ricoh & echo 7. Exit
    set /p printer_type="What type of printer are they using[1-7]: "
    if %printer_type%==1 (
        call "%driver_path%\driver.bat" hp
    ) else if %printer_type%==2 (
        call "%driver_path%\driver.bat" xerox
    ) else if %printer_type%==3 (
        call "%driver_path%\driver.bat" canon
    ) else if %printer_type%==4 (
       call "%driver_path%\driver.bat" dell
    ) else if %printer_type%==5 (
       call "%driver_path%\driver.bat" brother
    ) else if %printer_type%==6 (
       call "%driver_path%\driver.bat" ricoh
    ) else if %printer_type%==7 (
    ) else (
        @echo Invalid choice...
        goto :driver_install

:: Install Zoomtext on the users system, must run as admin
    echo Running ZoomText installation..
    call "%zt_path%\zt_install.bat"

:: Install BigFix Client on the users computer
    echo Running BigFix installation..
    call "%bf_path%\bf_install.bat"

:: Install Bomgar on the users system
    echo Running Bomgar installation..
    call "%bomgar_path%\bomgar_install.bat"

:: Install Cisco Anyconnect on the users computer
    echo Running Cisco Anyconnect installation..
    call "%cisco_path%\anyinstall.bat"

:: Install R language and R studio on the users system
   echo Running R lang and R studio installation..
   call "%r_path%\r_install.bat"

:: Install Google Chrome on the users system
    echo Running Google Chrome installation..
    call "%chrome_path%\gchrome_install.bat"

:: Install NetScreen for MSHA users, must run as admin
    echo Running NetScreen installation..
    call "%nscreen_path%\nscreen_install.bat"

Is there a reason why a /z flag would not work? Or is this something else entirely?


  • if '%1'=='/z' set "zt_path=%cd\scripts\ZoomText" & goto :zt_installation

    Missing % in %cd% hence not acting as expected - ineffective goto