I have this doubt on how to compare DB2 date, time fields with RPG date and time fields
If (Zpschdt < CurDat or (ZPschdt = Curdat and
(%Time() - ZPschtm) > 30));
For example in the above piece of code, Curdat is a character field which contains date value populated using below line
CurDat = %CHAR(%DATE():*MDY);
%Time() that is the current time needs to be subtracted from ZPschtm which is a DB2 time field and needs to be checked if the difference is greater that 30 minutes. How can this be achieved?
If you want to find schedule dates and times that are more than 30 minutes old, and the timeframe needs to cross days, you are going to have to use timestamps rather than dates and times. To deal with your situation, define a timestamp field, assign the schedule date and time, add 30 minutes to the timestamp, and compare that to the current timestamp. Like this:
dcl-s ts Timestamp;
ts = zschdt + zschtm + %minutes(30);
if ts < %timestamp();
// do something here