Search code examples

DB2 SQL - Retrieve a Field's Max Value along with other fields

Maybe this may pose as a simple question, but well, I'm not able to figure out a solution

I have this prospective table:

Assume this data and Columns:

24226517  12.06.2018         53.  00           
24226517  12.06.2018         52.  04           
24226517  12.06.2018         51.  04           
24226517  12.06.2018         26.  04           
24226517  12.06.2018         15.  04           
24226517  12.06.2018         14.  04           
24226517  12.06.2018          7.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         91.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         90.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         89.  03           
24226517  08.05.2018         78.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         77.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         69.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         68.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         67.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         66.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         65.  01           
24226517  08.05.2018         64.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         63.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         62.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         61.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         60.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         52.  04           
24226517  08.05.2018         51.  04   


FECHA_PERF is a date field, Secuencia2 is an integer field and Nivel4_riesgo is a Char(2) field and persona is a char (9) field

I need to obtain the latest NIVEL4_RIESGO value that has been inserted into the table for each PERSONA field, I need to take into account both FECHA_PERF and SECUENCIA2 fields

The table has many other fields, but for the sake of resutls, these are the fields needed

and the query's desired result should be:

24226517 00  

Which corresponds to this record:

24226517  12.06.2018         53.  00  

Could you please provide a possible way oo implement this? I have, somehow, this sorted with subqueries, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do it, specially when it comes to performance. I've considered using DB2 temporary tables for each subquery, but on this shop, well, they are a bit esoteric about it and are not that happy if I use them

SELECT A.PERSONA, A.NIVEL4_RIESGO                                    
FROM table1 AS A                                     
  INNER JOIN                                                         
  (  SELECT PERSONA                                                  
                TRIM(TO_CHAR(B.SECUENCIA2,'00'))) AS VALORX          
     FROM DIGEIN.GIPERF_PERS_GPP AS B                                
     WHERE PERSONA = '24226517'                                      
       AND B.NIVEL4_RIESGO <> ''                                     
     GROUP BY  PERSONA                                               
  ) AS C                                                             
    ON A.PERSONA = C.PERSONA                                         
       TRIM(TO_CHAR(A.SECUENCIA2,'00')) =                            

This query result is:

24226517  00   

Which is what i need.


  • If I understand correctly, this would typically be done using row_number():

    select p.*
    from (select p.*,
                 row_number() over (partition by persona
                                    order by fecha_perf desc, secuencia2 desc
                                   ) as seqnum
          from DIGEIN.GIPERF_PERS_GPP p
         ) p
    where seqnum = 1;

    If you only want the result for a single person, you can use the simpler:

    select p.*
    where persona = XXX
    order by fecha_perf desc, secuencia2 desc
    fetch first 1 row only;