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Scala Monoid[Map[A,B]]

I'm reading a book with the following:

sealed trait Currency
case object USD extends Currency
... other currency types

case class Money(m: Map[Currency, BigDecimal]) {
  ... methods defined

The discussion goes on to recognize certain types of operations on Money as being Monoidal so we want to create a Monoid for Money. What comes next though are listings I can't parse properly.

First is the definition of zeroMoney. This is done as follows:

final val zeroMoney: Money = Money(Monoid[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]].zero)

What I have trouble following here is the part inside the Money parameter list. Specifically the

Monoid[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]].zero

Is this supposed to construct something? So far in the discussion there hasn't been an implementation of the zero function for Monoid[Map[A,B]] so what does this mean?

Following this is the following:

implicit def MoneyAdditionMonoid = new Monoid[Money] {
  val m = implicitly(Monoid[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]])
  def zero = zeroMoney
  def op(m1: Money, m2: Money) = Money(m.op(m1.m, m2.m))

The definition of op is fine given everything else so that isn't a problem. But I still don't understand what zeroMoney is given its definition. This also gives me the same problem with the implicit m as well.

So, just what does Monoid[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]] actually do? I don't see how it constructs anything since Monoid is a trait with no implementation. How can it be used without defining op and zero first?


  • For this code to compile, you would need something like the following:

    trait Monoid[T] {
      def zero: T
      def op(x: T, y: T): T
    object Monoid {
      def apply[T](implicit i: Monoid[T]): Monoid[T] = i

    So Monoid[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]].zero desugars into Monoid.apply[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]].zero, which simplifies to implicitly[Monoid[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]]].zero.

    zero in the Monoidal context is the element such that

    Monoid[T].op(Monoid[T].zero, x) ==
    Monoid[T].op(x, Monoid[T].zero) ==

    In the case of Map, I would assume the Monoid combines Maps with ++. The zero would then simply be Map.empty, which is what Monoid[Map[Currency, BigDecimal]].zero finally simplifies into.

    Edit: answer to comment:

    Note that implicit conversion is not used at all here. This is the type class pattern which uses only implicit parameters.

    Map[A, B] is a Monoid if B is a Monoid

    That's one way to do it, which is different from the one I suggested with ++. Let's see an example. How would you expect the following maps to be combined together:?

    • Map(€ → List(1, 2, 3), $ → List(4, 5))
    • Map(€ → List(10, 15), $ → List(100))

    The results you would expect is probably Map(€ → List(1, 2, 3, 10, 15), $ → List(4, 5, 11)), which is only possible because we know how to combine two lists. The Monoid[List[Int]] I implicitly used here is (Nil, :::). For a general type B you would also need something to smash two Bs together, this something is called a Monoid!

    For completeness, here is the Monoid[Map[A, B]] I'm guessing the book wants to define:

    implicit def mm[A, B](implicit mb: Monoid[B]): Monoid[Map[A, B]] =
      new Monoid[Map[A, B]] {
        def zero: Map[A, B] = Map.empty
        def op(x: Map[A, B], y: Map[A, B]): Map[A, B] =
          (x.toList ::: y.toList).groupBy(_._1).map {
            case (k, v) => (k,