Given a 2D(M x N) matrix, and a 2D Kernel(K x L), how do i return a matrix that is the result of max or mean pooling using the given kernel over the image?
I'd like to use numpy if possible.
Note: M, N, K, L can be both even or odd and they need not be perfectly divisible by each other, eg: 7x5 matrix and 2x2 kernel.
eg of max pooling:
array([[ 20, 200, -5, 23],
[ -13, 134, 119, 100],
[ 120, 32, 49, 25],
[-120, 12, 09, 23]])
kernel: 2 x 2
array([[ 200, 119],
[ 120, 49]])
You could use scikit-image block_reduce:
import numpy as np
import skimage.measure
a = np.array([
[ 20, 200, -5, 23],
[ -13, 134, 119, 100],
[ 120, 32, 49, 25],
[-120, 12, 9, 23]
skimage.measure.block_reduce(a, (2,2), np.max)
array([[200, 119],
[120, 49]])