In Application 1(C Code) im creating a shared memory like this:
char * key_path = "/tmp/shmem";
int file = open(key_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_APPEND, 0755);
key_t key = ftok(key_path, 1);
shmid = shmget (key, SHM_DATASIZE , IPC_CREAT | SHM_R | SHM_W);
shmdata = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);shmid);
In Application 2(QT) i want to access this SharedMemory
const char* native_key = "/tmp/shmem";
key_t ft_key = ftok(native_key, 1);
key = QString::number(ft_key);
QSharedMemory shmem(key);
if(!shmem.attach()) {
qDebug() << "attach failed" << shmem.errorString() << shmem.key() << shmem.nativeKey() << endl;
attach failed "QSharedMemory::attach (shmget): doesn't exist" "16858191" "/tmp/qipc_sharedmemory_24384b85e5d54b23bd4f84f14de71b10d4801666"
So i've tried the following
const char* native_key = "/tmp/shmem";
key_t ft_key = ftok(native_key, 1);
key = QString::number(ft_key);
QSharedMemory shmem(key);
if(!shmem.attach()) {
qDebug() << "attach failed" << shmem.errorString() << shmem.key() << shmem.nativeKey() << endl;
attach failed "QSharedMemory::attach (shmget): doesn't exist" "" "/tmp/shmem_prot"
I've taken a look at the source of qsharedmemory_unix.cpp
I think the Problem is that unix_key is not set, so that shmget in attach() will fail. handle() is private, so i cant call this function to set the unix_key.
Is it possible to access the shared memory without knowing the size of it / calling create()?
When i try to call create()
QSharedMemory shmem(key);
a new shared memory will created...
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
You're not accessing the same shared memory segment. Qt modifies the key you pass it, and the result is a different key and therefore shared memory id.
Per the QSharedMemory documentation:
Warning: QSharedMemory changes the key in a Qt-specific way, unless otherwise specified. Interoperation with non-Qt applications is achieved by first creating a default shared memory with
and then setting a native key withsetNativeKey()
. When using native keys, shared memory is not protected against multiple accesses on it (for example, unable tolock()
) and a user-defined mechanism should be used to achieve such protection.
It would seem that you need to create the shared memory segment using QSharedMemory
, set a new key using setNativeKey()
, then attach to that memory from outside of QSharedMemory