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Why WCF service does not executing on IIS properly?

I've created WCF (IIS) service . That service should initialize conversation with users who have used talking to my bot.

The problem is : When someone is chatting, service executes on desired time. For all users.

But when nobody is writing to my bot, service does not executes.

It seems like when nobody chatting it sleeps :o

What do you think guys ? What's the reason ? Facebook, my WCF service or something else ?

Any idea how to solve this ?


  • It's hard to say what's going on without more information, but notice that, by default, IIS will unload the worker process (W3WP) for your application pool after 20 minutes of inactivity. Might be what you're seeing.

    You can disable this by setting the idle timeout property of the appPool to 0.