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Get insights/page_fans for a Facebook page from Facebook's open graph

I'm trying to get the number of fans that a music artist has on their Facebook page, but it's not working. I've combed through the FBAPI docs as well as Stack Overflow and still nothing. Here's my code:

func getHolychildInfo() {
    //Make request
    let newGraphRequest: FBSDKGraphRequest = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "/holychildmusic/insights/page_fans", parameters: ["period" : "lifetime", "show_description_from_api_doc" : "true", "fields": "read_insights"], httpMethod: "GET")
    newGraphRequest.start(completionHandler: { (connection, result, error) in
        if ((error) != nil) {
            print("Holychild error getting insights: \(error.debugDescription)")
        } else {
            print("\nHolychild insights result:\n\n\(result)")

Here's my result:

data =     (
paging =     {
    next = "";
    previous = "";

As you can see, there is nothing in the "data" part of the response. The "page_fans" insights metric is supposed to return a number - among other things - but instead returns nothing.


  • All insights metrics besides the two public ones (page_fans_country and page_storytellers_by_country) require admin access to the page (admin user or page access token with read_insights permission.)

    But the fan_count field of the page object is public, so just request that: