In my app we have webhooks setup so Facebook notifies us of changes in an ad account.
It looks like you can only set 1 URL for webhooks so i cant remove the production endpoint because that would mess up the production environment.
Is there any way i can send webhooks to another URL?
The only option i can think of is just hardcoding some fake payloads and testing my code that way.
Does anyone know if there is a way to set some type of development endpoint?
For anyone that comes back to this, a test app can never be "live" this means that calls that require an app that is not in development will not work. Maybe the best workaround is to create a duplicate app and get it approved.
Facebook has introduced a feature called Test Apps a while ago.
You can create a test version of your production app, that will get its own app id, and have its own app dashboard where you can change most of the settings - including webhook endpoints.