I'm new to Unity2D (Unity 5.0.2f1) and have been searching for a solution which I'm sure is staring me in the face!
I have a game object (essentially a road) like below (DirtTrack1):
I have a spawner which spawns GameObjects (vehicles). I want to spawn those vehicles over this road.
I have tried the following code to do this, essentially trying to spawn the vehicle within the Y-axis area of the road by getting the bottom Y co-ordinate of the road and the top Y co-ordinate, so I get the min and max vertical positions of where I can place the vehicle:
void FixedUpdate() {
// Repeat spawning after the period spawn
// route has finished.
if (!_inSpawningIteration)
StartCoroutine (SpawnVehiclePeriodically());
IEnumerator SpawnVehiclePeriodically()
// First, get the height of the vehicle and road.
float vehicleHeightHalf = vehiclePreFab.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.y / 2f;
float roadHeightHalf = roadObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.y / 2f;
float roadTopY = roadObject.transform.position.y + roadHeightHalf;
float roadBottomY = roadObject.transform.position.y - roadHeightHalf;
// Next, ensure that maxY is within bounds of this farm vehicle.
roadMaxY = roadTopY - vehicleHeightHalf;
roadMinY = roadBottomY + vehicleHeightHalf;
// Set the position and spawn.
Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3 (Const_RoadItemsPositionX, randomY, 0f);
GameObject vehicle = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate (vehiclePreFab, newPosition, Quaternion.identity);
This does spawn randomly but most times it is always not within the road itself. It is either part on the road or at the outside edge of it.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here but I'm sure it is something very simple!
Tick the kinematic check of your vehicle, physics may be moving it out of the road if you don't do that.