In my c++ class, we have been tasked to keep building different aspects into this code. I am currently getting 2 errors and am stuck where I don't know what I am doing wrong. The program takes a private car or string for a name and a private integer to be input into the game checking for divisibility by 3, 5, and both 3 & 5. I am to use a get function and a put function within the class taking the input values and outputting them. I have essentially figured out the program but it will not compile and I am really unsure why. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
using std::istream;
// declare the max size the username input can be
const int MAX = 14;
class CFizzbuzz // Class definition at global scope
// make sure our constructor, destructor, plus member functions are
// all public and available from outside of the class.
CFizzbuzz() {} // Default constructor definition
~CFizzbuzz() {} // Default destructor definition
// function members that are public
// get the user's name and their value from the console and
// store those results into the member variables.
void getFizzbuzz()
cout << "Please enter your name: " << endl;
cin >> m_myName;
cout << "Please enter your number for the FizzBuzz game: " << endl;
cin >> m_myNum;
// return the user's number type entered
int putFizzBuzz()
return m_myNum;
char* getName()
return m_myName;
// logic to check to see if the user's number is 0, fizz, buzz, or fizzbuz
int getRecord(int num)
if (num == 0)
return ABORT;
else if (num % 5 == 0 && num % 3 == 0) // fizzbuzz number
return FIZZBUZZ;
else if (num % 5 == 0) // buzz number
return BUZZ;
else if (num % 3 == 0) // fizz number
return FIZZ;
return num;
// private data members only available inside the class
int m_myNum;
char m_myName[MAX];
int main()
CFizzbuzz myClass;
cout << "Welcome to my Fizzbuzz game, you are to guess the location of a "
<< "number which if is divisible by 5 and 3 you will win with "
<< "the output of Fizzbuzz. " << endl;
cout << "Please enter an integer value between 0 and 3 "
<< "representing the row location of the number for the game, "
<< "then press the Enter key: " << endl;
for (;;)
int num = myClass.putFizzBuzz();
switch (myClass.getRecord(num))
case ABORT:
cout << myClass.getName() << "\nThank you for playing\n";
return 0; // exit program
case FIZZ:
cout << "Sorry, " << myClass.getName() << ", number is a Fizz, please try again.\n";
case BUZZ:
cout << "Sorry, " << myClass.getName() << ", number is a Buzz, please try again.\n";
cout << "You win you got FizzBuzz!!!" << endl;
cout << "Sorry, " << myClass.getName() << ", number is a not a Fizz, Buzz, or Fizzbuzz\nPlease try again.\n";
These are errors I'm getting:
LNK2019, LNK1120
Based on the errors you mentioned in comments (Unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16
) I'd say that you created a Win32 project (a GUI project) in Visual Studio but your code is meant to be a console application.
You need to change the type of your project from Win32 application to Console application by either re-recreating it or changing the Subsystem from Windows to Console in project settings. See the following link for more information on the latter: