I have a language L, which simply consists of strings that are URLs, and I need to design and implement a DFA that recognizes L. (e.g: www.test.com). My issue right now is, once you read in everything up to the 'www.', how would you know when to stop reading for the ".com"?
My code so far:
s = input("Would you like to input a string? y/n")
if(s == 'n'):
dfa = {'':{'w':'ww'}, 'w': {'w': 'ww'}, 'ww': {'w': 'www'},'www': {'.': 'www.'},"}}
def accepts(transitions,initial,accepting,s):
state = initial
for c in s:
state = transitions[state][c]
return state in accepting
Any help is appreciated! (Note that I'm temporarily borrowing a function from here just so I can understand the concepts at play.
A DFA is basically defined by a transition table
. This transition table maps each (valid) combination of current state and current input to the corresponding successor state. Such a table can be modelled as a dictionary of dictionaries. For example: The outer dict contains the states as keys and dictionaries as values, those dictionaries in turn each have the valid inputs as keys and the successor state as value.
Your chosen example is not ideal, in such that it has a fairly large alphabet (i.e. all possible input characters) of at least [a-zA-Z0-9]
, the linked answer limited itself to [01]
for a reason ;-)
Never the less here is how I would start out:
# in state '' we have not yet processed/consumed any input
# it is the start state
# the only valid input is a 'w'
'': {'w': 'w'},
# in state 'w' we a have already consumed a 'w'
# the only valid input is another 'w'
'w': {'w': 'ww'},
# in state 'ww' we have previously consumed 'ww'
# the only valid input is still only a 'w'
'ww': {'w': 'www'},
# now the only valid input is a '.'
'www': {'.': 'www.'},
# this is where your example becomes unpractical:
# we have to add a transition for every valid input
# (you could get around this by using a defaultdict and some kind of special signal value, but im not quite sure you are up to that)
'www.': {'a': 'www.*', 'b': 'www.*', ...},
# I used the star in this state name to symbolize multiple (at least one) valid character
# we only leave this state if we encounter a '.'
'www.*': {'.': 'www.*.', 'a': 'www.*', 'b': 'www.*', ...},
# it should be obvious how to continue from here
'www.*.': ...
EDIT2: Implementation after chat.
from collections import defaultdict
dfa = {
'initial': defaultdict(lambda: 'invalid', w='w'),
'w': defaultdict(lambda: 'invalid', w='ww'),
'ww': defaultdict(lambda: 'invalid', w='www'),
'www': defaultdict(lambda: 'invalid', [('.','www.')]),
'www.': defaultdict(lambda: 'www.*', [('.','invalid')]),
'www.*': defaultdict(lambda: 'www.*', [('.','www.*.')]),
'www.*.': defaultdict(lambda: 'www.*', [('c','www.*.c')]),
'www.*.c': defaultdict(lambda: 'www.*', [('o','www.*.co')]),
'www.*.co': defaultdict(lambda: 'www.*', [('m','www.*.com'), ('.','www.*.')]),
'www.*.com': defaultdict(lambda: 'www.*', [('.','www.*.')]),
'invalid': defaultdict(lambda: 'invalid')
def accepts(transitions,initial,accepting,s):
state = initial
for c in s:
state = transitions[state][c]
print(c, '->', state)
return state in accepting
print(accepts(dfa,'initial',{'www.*.com', 'www.*.co'},"www.hi.com"))