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How to Diagonal Flip Animation in Unity

I am creating a card game in unity. In that, I need to flip a card in diagonal. I have tried using rotate and translate methods, but unfortunately I was unable to archive the target. I have attached the YouTube link with this thread. Anyone can help me to overcome this issue?


  • I have this code for card fliping. You will need to change the numbers of the rotation to rotate it diagonally but it should work for you

    IEnumerator FlipCard()
            yield return StartCoroutine(Constants.CardFlipTime.Tweeng((u) => gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, u, 0f),0, 90f));//begin the rotation
            GetComponent<Image>().sprite = cardFrame;// change the card sprite since it currently not visible 
            Debug.Log("Rotated 90 deg");
            yield return StartCoroutine(Constants.CardFlipTime.Tweeng((u) => gameObject.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, u, 0f), 90, 0f));//finish the rotation    

    And here is the Tweeng function I use to do the smooth lerp of values :

    /// <summary>
                /// Generic static method for asigning a action to any type
                /// </summary>
                /// <typeparam name="T"> generic</typeparam>
                /// <param name="duration">Method is called on the float and same float is used as the duration</param>
                /// <param name="vary">Action to perform over given duration</param>
                /// <param name="start">Starting value for the action</param>
                /// <param name="stop">End value of the action</param>
                /// <returns>null</returns>
                public static IEnumerator Tweeng<T>(this float duration, Action<T> vary,T start, T stop)
                    float sT = Time.time;
                    float eT = sT + duration;
                    Delegate d;
                    if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
                        d = (Func<float, float, float, float>)Mathf.SmoothStep;
                    else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Vector3))
                        d = (Func<Vector3, Vector3, float, Vector3>)Vector3.Lerp;
                    else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Quaternion))
                        d = (Func<Quaternion, Quaternion, float, Quaternion>)Quaternion.RotateTowards;
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type " + typeof(T));
                    Func<T, T, float, T> step = (Func<T, T, float, T>)d;
                    while (Time.time < eT)
                        float t = (Time.time - sT) / duration;
                        vary(step(start, stop, t));
                        yield return null;

    you can read more about it and how to use it from this question