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Templated method pointer - can't match pointer for function argument

I am making a method pointer wrapper like this:

template<typename OBJECT, typename... ARGS>
method_wrapper<ARGS...> _getWrapper(OBJECT* object, void (OBJECT::*method)(ARGS...))

The problem is right at the calling of _getWrapper:

class TestClass

    void TestMethod(int a, float b, bool c)

int main()
TestClass testObj;

method_wrapper<int, float, bool> wrap = _getWrapper<int, float, bool>(&testObj, TestClass::TestMethod);

wrap.callInternal(1000, 3.14, true);



return 0;

Not matter in what way I try to pass the arguments in _getWrapper, it still tells me:

no instance of overloaded function matches the argument list

Doesn't OBJECT::*method match TestClass::TestMethod directly? I also tried &TestClass::TestMethod, doesn't match either.


  • You're specifying the template arguments explicitly when invoking _getWrapper, and the first one is specifed as int for template parameter OBJECT, which is wrong. Because member pointers can't refer into non-class type.


    _getWrapper<int, float, bool>(&testObj, TestClass::TestMethod)


    _getWrapper<TestClass, int, float, bool>(&testObj, &TestClass::TestMethod)
    //          ~~~~~~~~~~

    Note you can just rely on template type deduction, e.g.

    _getWrapper(&testObj, &TestClass::TestMethod)

    BTW: For taking address from members you should always use & for it.
    BTW: I suppose TestClass::TestMethod is public.