I have a HList
of Symbols
. I want to convert this into HMap
with the HList
values as the keys
and the value
mapping set to a generated object based on the key
. The generated object holds state hence though default mapping can be known subsequent state is not.
Well... the thing is that Shapeless HMap
is not as straight forward as HList
, but the following can get you started
import shapeless._
import poly._
val hList = 'omg1 :: 'omg2 :: 'omg3 :: HNil
// lets assume that you want to map Symbols to kv-pairs String -> Int
// hence your HMap will have kv-pairs "omg1" -> 1, "omg2" -> 2...
class BiMapIS[K, V]
implicit val stringToInt = new BiMapIS[String, Int]
object myFoldPolyFunc extends Poly {
implicit def caseSymbol = use(
(hmap: HMap[BiMapIS], elem: Symbol) =>
hmap + (elem.name -> elem.name.last.toString.toInt)
val hMap = hList.foldLeft(HMap.empty[BiMapIS])(myFoldPolyFunc)
val v1 = hMap.get("omg1")
// Some(1)
val v2 = hMap.get("omg2")
// Some(2)