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coder.ceval struct requires pointer

I am using some external C++ code from within Matlab by calling it via coder.ceval:

coder.ceval('myCppFuncName', coder.wref(mySruct))

This works perfectly as long as myStruct is something simple as

myStruct.a = 0;
myStruct.b = 1;

Now I have a struct which is defined in the C++ header file struct.h:

typedef struct                      
  double              x;            
  double              y;            
} myPoint;

typedef struct                      
  int                 num_points; 
  myPoint            *points;       // pointer to array of myPoint-structs
} myStruct;

I don't know how to represent the pointer of the C++ struct in Matlab. As I need to define the struct in Matlab I am trying things like:


matlab_myPoint= struct('x',0,'y',0);
matlab_myStruct = struct('num_points',2,'points',myPoint);

ending in an error message

error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'myPoint' to 'myPoint *'

In the original C++ struct, a Pointer to an array of structs is used. How can I reproduce this relationship in a Matlab-born struct ? Thank you!


  • I could finally solve the issue by not passing objects or pointer to objects from Matlab to C but handing over structs instead. The struct in my case contains all the data I need to initialize a new object of the desired class in c.

    In order to achieve this one needs to use the same struct architecture in Matlab and in C.

    Then with


    one tells the compiler which C struct is defined by which Matlab struct. The C-Header file has to be specified in the Simulink properties.

    The call of the C-Code in Matlab finally looks like this:

    coder.ceval('gateway', 1, coder.ref(matlab_struct_name), ,coder.wref(matlab_myRet));

    where matlab_myRet has been created the same way like matlab_struct_name and represents the return value struct. All values which are written to it inside the C-Code can later be obtained within Matlab:


    Finally an example of the used struct:

    in Matlab:

    matlab_struct_name.x = 123;
    matlab_struct_name.y = 456;
    matlab_myRet.x = zeros(10,1);
    matlab_myRet.y = zeros(10,1);

    in C-Code (header):

    typedef struct
        double                  x[5];
        double                  y[5];
        typedef struct
        double                  x[10];
        double                  y[10];

    Hope this helps