I have table
CREATE table table_x
id NUMBER, -- ID
NUMBER_history NUMBER, -- consecutive number
start_date date, -- start_date of next id=end_date of previous
end_date date -- should be >=start_date
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (14 , 1, '13-NOV-92' ,'14-NOV-92' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (15 , 2, '14-NOV-92' ,'16-NOV-92' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (19 , 3, '16-NOV-92' ,'18-NOV-92' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (11 , 4, '18-NOV-92' ,'14-NOV-93' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (17 , 5, '15-NOV-93' ,'16-NOV-93' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (151 , 6, '16-NOV-93' ,'17-NOV-93' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (139 , 7, '17-NOV-93' ,'18-NOV-93' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (121 , 8, '19-NOV-93' ,'20-DEC-93' );
INSERT INTO table_x VALUES (822 , 9, '20-DEC-93' ,'20-DEC-93' );
I want write query where I can find where start_date of next row > end_date of previous. they must be equal.
I try to do something like that using NUMBER_history as counter. C-way where I organize cycle by variable i and compare i and i+1 (NUMBER_history and NUMBER_history+1)
select * INTO row_tblx from table_x where NUMBER_history=NUMBER_history and end_date<(select start_date from table_x where NUMBER_history=NUMBER_history+1);
but I must organize loop by n_counter from 1 to last NUMBER_history value and fetch data into multiple row.
How can I do it?
I try
set serveroutput on
SELECT * FROM table_x;
TYPE row_tblx_type
row_tblx row_tblx_type;
rowx cur%ROWTYPE;
nh_count NUMBER;
FOR NUMBER_history IN cur LOOP
select * INTO row_tblx from table_x where NUMBER_history=NUMBER_history and end_date<(select start_date from table_x where NUMBER_history=NUMBER_history+1);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (row_tblx(NUMBER_history).id);
How can I do it using for or another loop, multiple records or table of records , cursor, an table row as counter (NUMBER_history)? How can I do it without cursor?
You don't need PL/SQL or a loop for that:
select *
from (
select id, number_history, start_date, end_date,
lead(start_date) over (order by number_history) as next_start
from table_x
) t
where next_start > end_date;