I've got a file with some names of files in it for loading prefabs. I was loading the files with File.ReadAllLines(hardPathToFile) but that doesn't work when you build. You need to use a "Resource" folder. So I tried using Resource.Load(fileName)
however that doesn't bring out a list or array. I then tried File.ReadAllLines(Resource.Load(fileName, typeOf(TextAsset)) as TextAsset))
but that doesn't work because the resource that gets loaded isn't a string filepath.
Here's the full code:
void getList(string filePath)
//Read all the lines from the file. File loaded from resources
print((Resources.Load(filePath, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset).text);
var prefabs = File.ReadAllLines((Resources.Load(filePath, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset).text);
foreach (var prefab in prefabs)
GameObject newPrefab = Resources.Load(prefab, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;
How can I get this to work?
All help appreciated, thanks :)
If you previously used a hard path to the file, I'm guessing you did something like /path/to/file.txt
. With Resources.Load() you don't specify the file endings (file.txt
-> file
Here's what I did in my project to read the contents of a textfile:
var api = Resources.Load("ConnectionString") as TextAsset;
var apiKey = api.text;