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How to add print port monitor driver in Windows 2012 R2 Core?

I have a print port monitor driver (inf & dll files) I'd like to install on Windows Server 2012 R2 Core.

On a full server with desktop environment, I do it by running printui.exe /s, select ports tab, add port and then new port type.

However, on Windows 2012 R2 Core printui.exe /s just returns without showing print server properties.

Here is what I have installed:

PS C:\Users\justin> Get-WindowsFeature *print*

Display Name                                            Name
------------                                            ----
[X] Print and Document Services                         Print-Services
    [X] Print Server                                    Print-Server
    [ ] Distributed Scan Server                         Print-Scan-Server
    [ ] Internet Printing                               Print-Internet
    [ ] LPD Service                                     Print-LPD-Service

Is there another required component for printui.exe to display print server properties?

Is there a way to do it by command line? I looked at scripts under C:\windows\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\, none of them seems related to my problem.


  • Use pnputil for managing drivers from the commandline (source).

    pnputil.exe -i -a "C:\path\to\your.inf"