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Running GraphQL over REST API returns null data

I have gone through this blog followed the instructions in the blog post to create a graphQL endpoint over my own REST API. If I log the calls in the console I can see the correct response getting generated, but the data is always NULL in GraphiQL IDE. What could be the reason?

Here is my code:

import {
} from 'graphql'

import fetch from 'node-fetch'

const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost/my.test.web/api/v1/customer/91/reservation'

const ReservationType = new  GraphQLObjectType({
	name: 'Reservation',
	description: 'This is reservation details',
	fields: () => ({
		id: {type: GraphQLString},
		confirmationNumber: {
			type: GraphQLString,
			resolve: (reservation) => reservation.confirmationNumber
		status: {
			type: GraphQLString,
			resolve: (reservation) => reservation.status

const QueryType = new GraphQLObjectType(
	name: "query",
	description: "This is query by Id",
	fields: () => ({
			reservation: {
				type: ReservationType,
				args: {
					id: {type: GraphQLString}
				resolve: (root, args) => {
					var url = BASE_URL+ '/' +;
					var options = {
						headers: {
						'Accept': 'application/json',
					  .then(function(res) {
						  return res.json();
					  }).then(function(json) {
						  return json;

export default new GraphQLSchema(
			query: QueryType,

When I run this using graphiQL and express, I can see that the log is correctly generated by this part of the code -

.then(function(json) {
                          return json;

But in the GraphiQL UI the data is null GraphiQL IDE query screenshot


  • Finally I was able to find the cause - It is the syntax and not the JSON returned. Notice the "," at the end of each block and also removed the wrapper around the resolve:

    The QueryType should be defined as follows and it works like a charm

    const QueryType = new GraphQLObjectType({
      name: "query",
      description: "This is person query by Id",
      fields: () => ({
        person: {
          type: PersonType,
          args: {
            id: { type: GraphQLString },
          resolve: (root, args) => 				
    					fetch(BASE_URL +'/people/'
    						.then(function(res) {
    						  return res.json()
    							.then(function(json) {
    							  return json