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Symfony EasyAdminBundle - How to add a custom action in entity form?

I am using EasyAdminBundle in Symfony 3.1.9.

I managed to customize actions in lists, as well explained here:

But I didn't found any documentation to add custom entity action in forms.

My goal is to add, near the "Save", "Delete" and "Back to list" buttons, a button which saves current entity and redirect to the current edit form (not return to list as default behavior).

entity form edit actions

Thank you in advance


  • I've probalby made something dirty but it works.

    I've overwrited the editAction :

    public function editAction()
        $response = parent::editAction();
        if ($response instanceof RedirectResponse) {            
            $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
            return $this->redirect(urldecode($request->request->get('referer')));           
        return $response;

    The method $this->getCurrentEntity() were unknown.

    I've also overwrited the edit.html.twig to add another button next to the basic one with jQuery:

    var cloned = $( "button.action-save" );
    var clone = cloned.clone();
    clone.html('<i class="fa fa-save"></i>{{ 'action.save_stay'|trans }}');
    $('.action-save-stay').bind('click', function(e) {

    It changes the hidden input named referer. By default, easyadmin redirects to the referer contained in the query string.

    Thank you so much to put me in the right direction.