I am trying to parallelize the classic MPI_Issend
for halo swapping with OpenMP threads and MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE. This is, each thread will send a section of the main buffer to the right and left and each thread is responsible of getting a section of the buffer from the right and left.
#pragma omp parallel private(i,tid)
tid = omp_get_thread_num();
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
// starting position for each thread
int sizeid = SIZE/nthreads;
int startid = sizeid*tid;
int tstep;
for (tstep = 0; tstep < 5; tstep++){
MPI_Irecv(&recvright[startid], sizeid, MPI_INT, right, tid+101, comm, request + tid);
MPI_Irecv(&recvleft[startid], sizeid, MPI_INT, left, tid+201, comm, request + nthreads + 1 + tid);
MPI_Issend(&sendleft[startid], sizeid, MPI_INT, left, tid+101, comm, request + nthreads + 2 + tid);
MPI_Issend(&sendright[startid], sizeid, MPI_INT, right, tid+201, comm, request + nthreads + 3 + tid);
MPI_Waitall(4*nthreads, request, status);
However I am getting errors at the MPI_Waitall
. Does anyone know why? What am I doing wrong?
You are calling MPI_Waitall
on all requests... from all threads. Even requests that aren't even open yet - or already completed by other threads. Make sure to wait for each request only once, in your case in the thread you are initiating the non-blocking communication.
BTW. your request indexing is also wrong (overlapping). Instead of request + nthreads + 2 + tid
you probably want request + nthreads * 2 + tid
. However it would be much cleaner and better to simply make a thread local MPI_Request[4]
array and wait for that, fixing also the initial issue.