I am aware of GazeInputModule, which allows users to interact with Unity's UI system using head movement. I was wondering if there is a possibility to use Daydream's controller as a pointer to interact with user interface instead. Any tips or advices are much appreciated.
In latest GVR Unity SDK, there are sample scenes for daydream. Check them out as they are using GVRController for interaction. I assume that you are using latest Unity Daydream Preview which has built-in support for GVR. So here are the steps to follow:
1. Add GVRPointerInputModule to EventSystem :
2. Add following Prefabs in your scene:
3. Attach GVRPointerGraphicRaycaster to world space canvas and set MainCamera as event camera in canvas component:
4. And finally make sure to add enable virtual reality support from player settings and add Daydream SDK:
Note: Remove old components like GazeInputModule, GraphicRaycaster etc.
You can change Controller's Arm model as preferred(Currently it has options of Pointer, Wrist, Elbow and Shoulder)
I hope this helps.