There is an example : of using qml and QtQuick to create a 3D scatter.
How can I chage (delete, append, clear) ListModel data in Data.qml file using C++ code?
import QtQuick 2.1
Item {
property alias model: dataModel
property alias modelTwo: dataModelTwo
property alias modelThree: dataModelThree
ListModel {
id: dataModel
ListElement{ xPos: -10.0; yPos: 5.0; zPos: -5.0 }
ListElement{ xPos: -9.0; yPos: 3.0; zPos: -4.5 }
ListElement{ xPos: -8.5; yPos: 4.1; zPos: -4.0 }
If you want to modify the model from C++, you can register an object that implements QAbstractItemModel
to the QML runtime.
is a fairly complex class, there are helpful derived types that may make implementation easier, but that depends on your use case. For instance, QAbstractListModel
is useful for lists, as opposed to tables, and QStandardItemModel
is useful for data that can be easily modeled at QStandardItems
Once you've implemented the model in C++ you need to make it available to the QML runtime. This is done using setContextProperty
on QQmlContext
. Generally the QQmlContext
you want is the rootContext()
of your QQmlEngine
The registration might look something like this:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
MyListModel *model = new MyListModel;
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myListModel", model);
To access the model from within QML you use the name that it was registered with, in this case myListModel
import QtQuick 2.7
Item {
ListView {
model: myListModel