I've seen many answers, but none seem to help me with my situation. I need to extract the comments from this text:
Comments: These are the comments and they end at this full stop. Remember, you can only use the personal information...
OR this text:
Comments: These are the comments and they end at this full stop. You can only use the personal information...
A working example is here: https://regex101.com/r/apIT0O/1
But I can't seem to get this into PHP. I can get one to work with:
$pattern = "/(?<=Comments: )(.*?)(?= Remember, you can)/s";
But what is wrong with this?
$pattern = "/(?<=Comments: )(.*?)(?= Remember, you can)|(?<=Comments: )(.*?)(?= You can)/s";
Many thanks!
With preg_match_all you can get all result with your regex.
Try this:
/(?<=Comments: )(.*?)(?= Remember, you can)|(?<=Comments: )(.*?)(?= You can)/s
Sample Code:
$re = '/(?<=Comments: )(.*?).(?= Remember, you can)|(?<=Comments: )(.*?)(?= You can)/sm';
$str = 'Comments: These are the comments and they end at this full stop. Remember, you can only use the personal information...
Comments: These are the comments and they end at this full stop. You can only use the personal information...';
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);