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Can't make Replace method work with Array Formula (VBA)

I have looked for a solution to enter a long array formula, but replace method isn't working. this is my code:

Sub code()
Dim parte1, parte2 As String
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RESUMEN E. CRITICOS")
        parte1 = "IFERROR(INDEX(rut_cliente,SMALL(IF(plataforma=R1C2,ROW(rut_cliente)-ROW(BD_EV!R3C1)+1),ROWS(BD_EV!R2C1:R[-1]C[-2]))),"""")"
        With .Range("C3")
            .FormulaArray = "=IF(R1C2=""Todas"",IFERROR(INDEX(rut_cliente,SMALL(IF(plataforma<>""*"",ROW(rut_cliente)-ROW(BD_EV!R3C1)+1),ROWS(BD_EV!R2C1:R[-1]C[-2]))),""""),reemplazar)"
            .Replace "reemplazar", parte1, xlPart
        End With
End With
End Sub

This array formula brings a list of values from another sheet and works with named ranges, but also with static references. The problem is that if I want to delete rows on the referenced sheet, the static references will stop working. I tried using a workaround with named ranges for the static references but, that didn't help(they constantly re-arrange the referenced range... cant tell why). This is the static references are: ROW(BD_EV!R3C1)+1) and ROWS(BD_EV!R2C1:R[-1]C[-2]). Please help! Thanks!


  • This will replace reeplazar in your string and then all you have to do is make sure you assign it as an array formula when you assign it to a cell. I am trusting that your formula works as I can't test it.

    But this code will do the replace for you

    Sub code()
    Dim parte1, parte2 As String
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RESUMEN E. CRITICOS")
            parte1 = "IFERROR(INDEX(r‌​ut_cliente,SMALL(IF(‌​plataforma=R1C2,ROW(‌​rut_cliente)-ROW(BD_‌​EV!R3C1)+1),ROWS(BD_‌​EV!R2C1:R[-1]C[-2]))‌​),""""))"
            rep = "=IF(R1C2=""Todas"",IFERROR(INDEX(rut_cliente,SMALL(IF(plataforma<>""*"",ROW(rut_cliente)-ROW(BD_EV!R3C1)+1),ROWS(BD_EV!R2C1:R[-1]C[-2]))),""""),reemplazar)"
            arrayFormula = Replace(rep, "reemplazar", parte1)
            With .Range("C3")
                .FormulaArray = arrayFormula
            End With
    End With
    End Sub

    Or if you wanted to get the value from the cell itself,

    Sub code()
    Dim parte1, parte2 As String
    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RESUMEN E. CRITICOS")
            parte1 = "IFERROR(INDEX(rut_cliente,SMALL(IF(plata‌​forma<>""*"",ROW(rut‌​_cliente)-ROW(BD_EV!‌​$A$3)+1),ROWS(BD_EV!‌​$A$2:A2))),""""),IFE‌​RROR(INDEX(rut_clien‌​te,SMALL(IF(platafor‌​ma=$B$1,ROW(rut_clie‌​nte)-ROW(BD_EV!$A$3)‌​+1),ROWS(BD_EV!$A$2:‌​A2))),""""))"
            cel = .Range("C3").FormulaArray
            arrayFormula = Replace(cel, "reemplazar", parte1)
            .Range("C3").FormulaArray = arrayFormula
    End With
    End Sub