outputFields: {
token: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve: (token) => token
outputfields never gets called, not sure whether i am doing in a right way or not, doesn't the resolve function gets called while returning data from mutateAndGetPayload method.
mutateAndGetPayload: (credentials) => {
console.log('credentials', credentials);
userprof.findOne({email: credentials.email}).exec(function(err, r) {
if(!r) {
return new Error('no user')
} else if(r) {
if(r.password != credentials.password) {
return new Error('password error');
} else {
var token = jwt.getToken(r);
return {token};
I think that you need to return something from the mutateAndGetPayload method. That could be a promise. Try to return the userprof.findOne.