I'm searching the best way (code-simplest and fastest method) to build a Stored Procedure (Oracle 11g) to insert all records (all fields) from a fact_table (source) into a target_table (destination), but it should create an additional field "dynamic_key" that will contain the values of some columns, concatenated by pipe "|".
For each record, the information on "which columns to use to build the dynamic_key" is stored in a rule_table.
Example (assume all columns are VARCHAR2):
fact_table (tech_name, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, otherfields..) Ex. fact_table('foo', 'time', 'width' , 'height', 'volume', 'perimeter', otherfields.. )
rules_table (tech_name, filed1, field2, field3) Ex. rules_table('foo', dim2, dim4) The column tech_name is used to join (f.tecnical_name=r.tecnical_name) between fact_table and rules_table to get columns.
target_tables (dynamic_key, tecnical_name, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, otherfields..)
In this example code, the Stored-Procedure should:
INSERT INTO target_table(dynamic_key, tecnical_name, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, otherfields..)
VALUES('width|volume', 'foo', 'time', 'width' , 'height', 'volume', 'perimeter', otherfields.. )
I think the best way is using a CURSOR and Dynamic SQL but it's curbersome to build dynamic_key and not very efficient: I have to process and insert one record at time.
You can achieve this by:
to create the static part of the INSERT
expression for the dynamic key
to run the generated statementComplete example:
create table fact_table (tech_name varchar2(30), dim1 varchar2(30),
dim2 varchar2(30), dim3 varchar2(30), dim4 varchar2(30),
dim5 varchar2(30));
insert into fact_table values('foo', 'time', 'width' , 'height', 'volume', 'perimeter');
insert into fact_table values('bar', 'time', 'width' , 'height', 'volume', 'perimeter');
create table target_table as
select t1.*, cast(null as varchar2(100)) as dynamic_key
from fact_table t1
where 1=0;
create table rules_table(tech_name varchar2(30), field1 varchar2(30), field2 varchar2(30),
field3 varchar2(30));
insert into rules_table values('foo', 'dim2', 'dim4', null);
insert into rules_table values('bar', 'dim1', null, null);
CRLF constant varchar2(10) := chr(13) ||chr(10);
procedure insert_it is
l_SQL varchar2(4000);
l_columns varchar2(4000);
-- get comma-separated list of columns present in FACT_TABLE
select listagg(column_name, ',') within group(order by column_name)
into l_columns
from user_tab_cols
where table_name = 'FACT_TABLE';
-- build INSERT statement
l_SQL := ' insert into target_table(' || l_columns || ', dynamic_key)' || CRLF ||
' select ' || l_columns || ',' || CRLF ||
' (case tech_name' || CRLF;
-- build case branches from rules table
for cur in (select * from rules_table order by tech_name)
l_SQL := l_SQL || ' when ''' || cur.tech_name || ''' then ' ||
cur.field1 || (case when cur.field2 is not null then '|| ''|'' ||' || cur.field2
else null end)
|| (case when cur.field3 is not null then '|| ''|'' ||' || cur.field3
else null end) || CRLF;
end loop;
-- close case statement and add FROM clause
l_SQL := l_SQL || 'end) from fact_table';
execute immediate l_SQL;