I'm trying to improve a script posted by @Tony in other question
@Echo off Set _File=file.txt Set /a _Lines=0 For /f %%j in ('Type %_File%^|Find "" /v /c') Do Set /a _Lines=%%j Echo %_File% has %_Lines% lines.
To count lines all text file in a directory and subfolders:
@Echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set _Dir=C:\TEST_DIR\
Set /a _Lines=0
for /R %_Dir% %%f in (*.*) do (
for /f %%j in ('Type !%%f!^|Find "" /v /c') Do Set /a _Lines=!_Lines!+!%%j!
Echo %_Dir% has %_Lines% lines.
But I'm geting error: "Missing operand."
My bad, I'm was using extra !!
in the sentence:
Do Set /a _Lines=!_Lines!+!%%j!
This is the working code:
@Echo off
Set _Dir=C:\TEST_DIR\
Set /a _Lines=0
for /R %_Dir% %%f in (*.*) do (
for /f %%j in ('Find "" /v /c ^< "%%~f"') Do Set /a _Lines=_Lines+%%j
Echo %_File% has %_Lines% lines.
[EDITED] as @aschipfl sugested