I'd like to thunk (by adjusting the stack) __stdcall function. For example a caller think is has a pointer to a callback function with the following prototype:
int Func(int a);
I'd like to write a thunk (that will be passed as a callback) that adjust the call to the following function prototype:
int Func(char* ptr, int a);
I know that when my thunk will be called that stack layout is:
| a |
| return address | <-- Top of the stack
I'd like to adjust the stuck to:
| a |
| ptr |
| return address | <-- Top of the stack
and then do a relative jump to relevant function (this way when the called function return the stack is balanced)
Here is my final thunk that works (of course it has to be packed and dynamically loaded to executable memory), Kudo to Jester for helping with assembly hex code for needed instructions !
struct Thunk
BYTE m_popRet;
BYTE m_pushPtr;
DWORD m_ptr;
BYTE m_pushRet;
BYTE m_jmp;
DWORD m_relProc;
BOOL Init(DWORD_PTR proc, void* ptr)
m_popRet = 0x58;
m_pushPtr = 0x68;
m_ptr = PtrToUlong(ptr);
m_pushRet = 0x50;
m_jmp = 0xE9;
m_relProc = DWORD((INT_PTR)proc - ((INT_PTR)this + sizeof Thunk));
return TRUE;
Since you described the stack layout, not sure what you have a problem with.
Anyway, if you want to use JMP
your code could look like:
pop eax ; 58 return address
push ptr ; 68 xx xx xx xx
push eax ; 50 put return address back
jmp proc ; E9 xx xx xx xx
Note that this will change stack alignment, so if you are in an environment where that matters, you will have to adjust the code. A somewhat more civilized version could be:
push edx ; 52 align stack
push [esp+8] ; FF 74 24 08 "a"
push ptr ; 68 xx xx xx xx
call proc ; E9 xx xx xx xx
pop edx ; 5A
ret 4 ; C2 04 00