I have a question related to drmma and the cluster config file in snakemake.
Currently i have a pipeline and I submit jobs to the cluster using drmma with the following command:
snakemake --drmaa " -q short.q -pe smp 8 -l membycore=4G" --jobs 100 -p file1/out file2/out file3/out
The problem is that some of the rules/jobs require less or more resources. I though that if i used the json cluster file I would be able to submit the jobs with different resources. My json file looks like this:
"-pe":"smp 1",
"-pe":"smp 8",
"-pe":"smp 8",
When I run the following command my jobs (job1 and job2) are submitted with default options and not with the custom ones:
snakemake --jobs 100 --cluster-config cluster.json --drmaa -p file1/out file2/out file3/out
What am I doing wrong? Is it that I cannot combine the drmaa option with the cluster-config file?
the cluster config file simply allows you do define variables that are later used in --cluster/--cluster-sync/--drmaa
depending on the defined placeholders. There's no DRMAA specific magic involved here. Have a look at the corresponding section in the documentation again.
Maybe an example makes things clearer:
Cluster config:
"time" : "02:00:00",
"mem" : 1G,
# more rule specific definitions here...
Example snakemake arguments to make use of the above:
--drmaa " -pe OpenMP {threads} -l mem_free={cluster.mem} -l h_rt={cluster.time}"
--cluster-sync "qsub -sync y -pe OpenMP {threads} -l mem_free={cluster.mem} -l h_rt={cluster.time}"
and cluster.mem
will be replaced accordingly per rule.