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How to change the code. 16bit CLA (carry-look.ahead adder) verilog code simulation

I make a design for an adder but the result is wrong.

module CLA16(A, B, Ci, S, Co, PG1, GG1);

input [15:0] A;
input [15:0] B;
input Ci;
output [15:0] S;
output Co;
output PG1;
output GG1;

wire [3:0] GG;
wire [3:0] PG;
wire [3:1] C;
wire Ci;

CLALogic CarryLogic_2 (PG[3:0], GG[3:0], Ci, C[3:1], Co, PG1, GG1);

// 4bit    A     B       Ci     S   PG        GG    Co
CLA4 u0 (A[3:0], B[3:0], Ci, S[3:0],PG[0], GG[0]);
CLA4 u1 (A[7:4], B[7:4], C[1],  S[7:4], PG[1], GG[1]);
CLA4 u2 (A[11:8], B[11:8], C[2], S[11:8], PG[2], GG[2]);
CLA4 u3 (A[15:12], B[15:12], C[3], S[15:12], PG[3], GG[3]);


module CLA4(A, B, Ci, S, P, G);
   input [3:0] A;
   input [3:0] B;
   input Ci;
   output [3:0] S;
   //output Co;
   output P;
   output G;
   wire Ci;
   wire [3:0] G;
   wire [3:0] P;
   wire [3:1] C;

   CLALogic CarryLogic (G, P, Ci, C, Co, PG, GG);
   GPFullAdder FA0 (A[0], B[0], Ci, G[0], P[0], S[0]);
   GPFullAdder FA1 (A[1], B[1], C[1], G[1], P[1], S[1]);
   GPFullAdder FA2 (A[2], B[2], C[2], G[2], P[2], S[2]);
   GPFullAdder FA3 (A[3], B[3], C[3], G[3], P[3], S[3]);


module CLALogic (G, P, Ci, C, Co, PG, GG);
   input [3:0] G;
   input [3:0] P;
   input Ci;
   output [3:1] C;
   output Co;
   output PG;
   output GG;

   wire GG_int;
   wire PG_int;

   assign C[1] = G[0] | (P[0] & Ci);
   assign C[2] = G[1] | (P[1] & G[0])| (P[1] & P[0] & Ci);
   assign C[3] = G[2] | (P[2] & G[1]) | (P[2] & P[1] & G[0])| (P[2] & P[1] & P[0] & Ci);

   assign PG_int = P[3] & P[2] & P[1] & P[0];
   assign GG_int = G[3] | (P[3] & G[2]) | (P[3] & P[2] & G[1]) | (P[3] & P[2] & P[1] & G[0]);
   assign Co = GG_int | (PG_int & Ci);
   assign PG = PG_int;
   assign GG = GG_int;


   module GPFullAdder(X, Y, Cin, G, P, Sum);
      input X;
      input Y;
      input Cin;
      output G;
      output P;
      output Sum;

      wire P_int;

      assign G = X & Y;
      assign P = P_int;
      assign P_int = X ^ Y;
      assign Sum = P_int ^ Cin;


   module tb_CLA16;

   reg [15:0] A;
   reg [15:0] B;
   reg Ci;
   wire [15:0] S;
   wire Co;
   wire PG;
   wire GG;

   wire [15:0] G;
   wire [15:0] P;
   wire [15:1] C;

 //CLA4 u0(A, B, Ci, S, Co, PG, GG);
  CLA16 u1(A, B, Ci, S, Co);

   initial begin
   A = 16'b0000_1010_1010_1000;
   B = 16'b0000_0100_0000_0000;
   Ci = 1;


   A = 16'b0000_0000_1010_1000;
   B = 16'b0000_0100_0110_0000;
   Ci = 0;

   A = 16'd1552;
   B = 16'd0713;
   Ci = 0;



My result waveform:

enter image description here

if a,b :  168+1120   answer is 1288.

binary number          0000_010**1**_0000_1000  = 1288
but my simulation is   0000_010**0**_0000_1000   wrong


a,b is 1552+713 answer is 2265.

    binary number      000**0**_100**0**_110**1**_100**1** is answer number
but my simulations is  000**0**_100**1**_111**0**_100**1** .

16bit adder is made four modules, but different s[4] s[7] s[11].

How to change the code? I think 16adder module is the problem. Please tell me.


  • You have two errors that i suspect would be much easier to detect if you used more explicit naming for your signals and ports. E.g. prop, propUp instead of P, PG.


    module CLA4(A, B, Ci, S, P, G);

    should be

    module CLA4(A, B, Ci, S, PG, GG);

    You also need to change the output lines.


    CLALogic CarryLogic_2 (PG[3:0], GG[3:0], Ci, C[3:1], Co, PG1, GG1);

    should be

    CLALogic CarryLogic_2 (GG[3:0], PG[3:0], Ci, C[3:1], Co, PG1, GG1);

    Working example: