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Eclipse Scout Http Deploy on Tomcat fails

I tried to deploy my eclipse scout application (framework) on tomcat. I configured the application to http correctly. The server and consequently the UI can't start.

Here's the stacktrace of the exception:

[33msyscodeapp_1  |[0m Exception in thread "Thread-6" 19-Nov-2016 04:50:49.525 SEVERE [http-apr-8080-exec-4] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal Context [/] startup failed due to previous errors
[33msyscodeapp_1  |[0m java.lang.NullPointerException
[33msyscodeapp_1  |[0m        at org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor.fireStateEvent(
[33msyscodeapp_1  |[0m        at org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor.changeState(
[33msyscodeapp_1  |[0m        at org.eclipse.scout.rt.platform.internal.PlatformImplementor.start(
[33msyscodeapp_1  |[0m        at

Any ideas?


  • Here's the solution:

    Since I was running my tomcat on docker I used the latest available image of tomcat:8.0. After long research I noticed that the JVM version of my tomcat was Java 1.7, but I compiled my project on Java 1.8. That was the reason for the strange errors.

    Now deployment works completely fine. I hope that this post helps others not to lose much time anymore for this kind of error.