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How can i refresh notification count and remove parent when it is deleted

when delete trough ajax call how can remove that content from the view.?

this my ajax call and i am deleting a job from there when it deletes.

  1. that parent has to remove and
  2. the job notification count has to refresh(MY JOBS (3) it should change as 2 because there are only 2 jobs are there now in db when i logout and login it coming as 2.)

image of deleted job not parent is not deleted.

Here is my ajax controller code:

elseif(isset($_POST['res'])&& ($_POST['res'] =='no'))
    $updateStatus=$conn->query("UPDATE r_job_invitations SET inv_res='2' WHERE id_job='".$jobId."' ");
    if ($updateStatus) {
        $response['message'] = "<strong>Success!</strong> Job Rejected.";
        $response['success'] = true;
        } else {
        $response['message'] = "<strong>Warning!</strong> There is an error in Job Rejection please try again";
        $response['success'] = false;
    echo json_encode($response);

My ajax call and sending request:

<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default" onclick="jobResponse('no',<?php echo $myjobs['id_job'];?>)">Reject And Delete</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function jobResponse(res,jobId){
        var frm_data = { res : res,
            jobId : jobId
            method: "POST",
            url: 'inv-controller.php',
            data: frm_data,
            dataType: "json",
            success: function (response) {
                if (response["success"] == true)
                    } else {
            error: function (request, status, error) {
                $("#warning-message").html("OOPS! Something Went Wrong Please Try After Sometime!");

And finally this jobs count session is coming from login controller

while logging in i am stroing that jobs count in a session like this:

$Query = $conn->query("SELECT count(*) as notificationCount FROM r_job_invitations where email='".$_SESSION['user_email']."' and inv_res=0") or die(mysqli_error());
$notification = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Query);     
$_SESSION['notificationCount'] = $notification['notificationCount'];
echo BASE_URL."my-profile.php";

I want to update this session count. how can i do that.?


  • on your ajax controller page:

    if ($updateStatus) {
        $response['message'] = "<strong>Success!</strong> Job Rejected.";
        $response['success'] = true;
        $response['newCount'] = $_SESSION['notificationCount']+1;

    and then in your jquery

    if (response["success"] == true)