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Reason why a Temp Table seems to extend its scope in sql server

I faced a strange situation

i use a temp table created with the select into technique like

select *
into #MyTempTable
from TABLE

In principle the scope pf #MyTempTable is limited to the process id.

but even if i explicitly use

drop table #MyTempTable

when i run again

select *
into #MyTempTable
from TABLE

i have an error that temp table already exists.

Why this can occur? I never faced this issue before, i use this technique since years.


  • Are you definitely running the code in the same window? If you're dropping the table in another window it won't drop it properly.

    I always consider it best practice to run code that checks if it exists before explicitly creating the table (rather than SELECT INTO). Something like this;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TempTable
    CREATE TABLE #TempTable (RowNumber int identity(1,1), OtherField nvarchar(max))